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Hydrogeological assessment
Water divining/dowsing
Borehole Feasibility
Borehole design

Hydrogeological survey

We would recommend that prior to drilling a borehole a hydrogeological survey is undertaken to establish the potential quantity and to give an indication of the anticipated quality of water.

Hydrogeological assessment 

A number of the drilling companies we work with require a hydrogeological assessment in order to provide drilling costs. In some circumstances additional permissions such as Coal Authority permits may be required prior to drilling and this would be highlighted by the assessment. This would also be required if applying for an abstraction licence.


Hydrogeological assessment

The hydrogeological assessment typically comprises of (but is not limited to) the following tasks:

  • Ascertain the requirements of the customer, location, yield and use;

  • Geological assessment, general geology, lithology and structure

  • Hydrogeology, implications of the geology in terms of water bearing horizons, anticipated yield, hydraulic properties of each aquifer, groundwater flow direction, pathways and rates of flow.

  • Aquifer availability, the Environment Agency's classification of the aquifer in terms of availability of water and licence.

  • Boreholes and abstractions in the catchment and region, including borehole logs and aquifer parameters (where known)

  • Data collection and collation

  • Groundwater quality assessment

  • Catchment assessment, an understanding of the anticipated groundwater catchment

  • Catchment risk assessment, and risks to yield and quality, including the potential for planned activities to result in groundwater contamination and known or expected presence, distribution, concentration and risk from existing contamination.

  • Anticipated yield and quality of abstracted water

  • Assessment of source, contaminant transport pathways and receptors for groundwater contamination

  • Initial assessment of health and environmental risk

  • Borehole design and recommendations

For a domestic property or a property abstracting less than 20m3/day a full hydrogeological assessment would cost £655plus VAT.  For a commercial property or those abstracting more than 20m3/day a full hydrogeological assessment would be needed; please contact the office for more information.


Water divining/dowsing

Water divining or dowsing is the name given to a method of locating water without the use of scientific apparatus. L or Y shaped rods/ sticks are usually used, for the Y shaped stick, the two ends on the forked side are held one in each hand, the diviner then walks slowly over the places where he suspects the water to be, and the dowsing rod dips, when a discovery is made. For the L shaped rods, one rod is held in each hand, with the long arm pointing forward. When water is found, the rods cross over one another making an "X" over the location.

There is no scientific evidence that divining is effective, however, the success rate of experienced diviners/ dowsers is unquestionable and some drilling companies still use them to advise on a suitable drilling locations. An experienced diviner/dowser will be able to advise on the depth of the water, the amount of water and even its direction of flow.